Hello, thank you for visiting my resume.
My name is Cong Fandi You can call me Fandi or what ever you want :-D . I'm a mobile developer, but I can also make web applications. As a developer, I'm very interested in new technology. I really like challenges and new things. if you are interested in cooperating with me, contact me immediately. Thanks.
Oct 2020 - Present
As a C level, i have to help this company to growth faster with all team member.
August 2020 - Feb 2021
As a mobile developer i have to develope and maintanance the product at appstore and playstore
April 2020 - Oktober 2020
I work here as Part time at april 2020 until juni 2020, after that i work as full time. Im building KAHAGO App on iOS side and maintanance on Android Side
Maret 2020 - Agustus 2020
I worked at this company as Part Time and building Mobile Application on Android and iOS.
Sept 2018 - Juni 2020
I worked at this company after I stopped working from the previous company. in this place I got a new job that is making and overseeing the manufacture of Android and iOS applications and I am also trusted as a lead from the mobile division.
March 2018 - Januari 2020
TreeDots is a startup company based on Singapore, in this company I was assigned to lead the development and also make Android and iOS applications from the base to be used by customers.
Jun 2019 - Februari 2020
As a consultant, I am tasked with assisting customer companies in developing business digitally. in addition, I am also tasked with integrating all divisions into one system called ERP (Enterprise Resource Planing).
Aug 2016 - Aug 2018
As an android developer, I am tasked with creating and developing customer order applications. I worked in this company for 2 years and I got a lot of experience from this company.
2012 - 2016
Trunojoyo Madura University
Trunojoyo Madura University is a continuation of Bangkalan Madura University (Unibang) which "changed its status" from a Private University to a State University based on Presidential Decree (Keppres) RI Number 85 of 2001 Dated July 5, 2001. The inauguration took place on July 23, 2001.
Apple Developer Academy UC
The Apple Developer Academy is a program that trains programming and design students to create apps for iOS, macOS, and other Apple platforms. There are classes on Swift language, interface prototyping, and more. Everything is supervised by Apple and the students have the opportunity to have their apps featured on the App Store.
Pamekasan, Madura, Indonesia